Sunday, September 5, 2010

Granny visits the Po-Ho

Granny Barbara, aged 92, finally made it down this afternoon to see the new place.  She was very impressed, especially when I sent her home with a full bag of produce from the garden.  Sarah and Evy were her chauffeurs and the kids were delighted to be in each other's company again.

Granny and I were trying to give a feeling for the height of the doorways.

The kids did some light plumbing work in the kitchen.

Followed by some serious romping in the garden.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 scout the new 'hood. 

 I love pictures that really illustrate their size difference.  She is the cutest, most hilarious little doll.  I'm so glad she's around to fulfill my 'girl-child' needs.  She's learning way too much from these boys though.  Sam taught her to climb into the crib today, and by the time I got up to them they were lying in his bed, reading books and having a snuggle.  Sorry sis... She's turning into Sam's little pet.

Have I mentioned that there's a full blown table-tennis room on the third floor?  (Well... I mean, it could be anything.  It's not required to be a table-tennis room.)  The kids seem to enjoy it.  I think it's fair to say that no humans have been up there, much less played a game, for 25 years.

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