Monday, January 24, 2011

My ipad has been taken hostage - Part #1

These little creeps have ensured that every time I go to use my lovely, wonderful tablet, it's covered in gooey smeared fingerprints.  It's just wrong!

I will, however, say that puzzles on the ipad are ever so much tidier than on the floor. 

News here:  Hmmm... Currently, I'm dealing with a serious leak in the roof of the rental, snow and ice on the inside of the back door and a car with an engine light that's come on.  And Sam's due to poop his pants any minute now.  Yay!

Did I mention it's -20-something out there? 

Oh well... can't get to the sink/dishwasher until the ceiling stops leaking, so I'm off the hook for post-meal clean-up today.  Silver lining?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! in the latest issue of JLC (Journal of LIght Construction) there's an excellent description of ice dams- which cause leaks in (ultra ridiculous) cold weather. It describes the issue, the solution and has a lovely cross section of a wall and ceiling of a house to illustrate the problem. Something for the whole family to enjoy?


Whatcha think?