Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blood moon and other happenings

I'm due for an update, but I don't think I have the strength.  Sick kids =  weary mom and dad.  Sam's had a fever since Sunday and Charley is croup-coughing and looks sunburned he's so chapped from the snot-fiesta. 

Sam was feeling so rough that he slept from 7:15 p.m. last night until noon today.  No joke.  No waking up during that time, just a solid sleep.  And he woke up dry.  I mean, seriously!?  Can you imagine having that bladder?  (This question mostly aimed at my preggo-sister.)

I found myself awake at 2:30 and thought 'what the heck', so I trekked downstairs, suited up and went out to see the eclipse.  I had my camera, but it turns out that you can't successfully take that shot without a tripod.  Between the shivering and the breathing the best I could do was:

I actually kind of like the shot.  It's either a drunkards view of the spectacle, or some amoebal growth.  It was amazing to see and I'm glad I ventured out, even though the fresh air made it difficult to go back to sleep.

I'm praying for a Christmas miracle; that we'll all be healthy by Friday.  It's a lot to ask, but not impossible.  Come on white blood cells!  Ho Ho Ho

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