Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sam shorn miracle!

I don't know what's got into Sam this week, but all of a sudden he's Mr. Big Man.  He casually goes to the bathroom on his own (including pooping),  he's tobogganing and playing on 'snow mountain' at school with the big kids and today, TODAY, he got his hair cut.  With clippers.  And not by me. 

It's a freakin' hairy miracle.

The kind woman asked him what kind of hair he wanted and he said "princess hair".  She said "how about a little prince instead" and he stomped his wee foot and said "Princess!". 


We just cut it the same as Charley's and said "See Sam?  Princess hair!".  He was overjoyed and told every single human he met for the rest of the day that "HE GOT HIS HAIR CUT LIKE A PRINCESS!", and I use all-caps because it was a very serious thing. 

Listen, I didn't care what it looked like... I was just so darn happy he got in the chair without losing his mind.

(His big bro, by the way, asked the woman to buzz the top of his hair, but not the sides and give him "crazy hair".  She, thankfully, declined).

They both got lollipops afterwards.  This, I'm sure, is the whole reason it went smoothly. They gave us a certificate stating "First Official Haircut" with a lock of hair taped to it, and sent us on our way.  Oh, it was free too, because it was his first time.  Woo hoo!

Another milestone met and conquered.   Onward!

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